do marginalised groups see barefoot walking benefits

9 Surprising Barefoot Walking Benefits and Reasons that Will Change Your Life Forever [part 2]

Welcome to Part 2 of our barefoot walking series! Now, we’re shifting our focus to the incredible barefoot walking benefits for people of all ages.

In our previous article, “5 Struggles and Strength of Children Without Shoes: A Guide to Understanding and Supporting Them”, we explored the challenges and unique strengths of children who grow up without shoes.

Did you know that walking without shoes can improve your balance, strengthen your foot muscles, and even reduce stress levels? In this article, we’ll delve into nine surprising benefits and reasons why barefoot walking can change your life forever. From improving your posture and gait to increasing your connection with nature, barefoot walking has transformative effects on both your physical and mental health.

So, if you’re interested in discovering the amazing benefits of barefoot walking, keep reading. You might be surprised at just how much of an impact this simple and natural practice can have on your overall well-being. See if you will uncover the lesser-known barefoot walking benefits on your overall posture.

Experience the Transformative Power of Walking Barefoot

Barefoot walking is becoming increasingly popular in the fields of podiatry, physical therapy, and sports medicine. Experts suggest that walking without shoes can have a positive impact on foot health, balance, and strength, among other benefits. Despite the potential risks, there are numerous benefits to walking barefoot, including improved flexibility, as well as better posture and circulation.

First revisit our Barefoot Walking Series Part 1 to explore the unique struggles and strengths of children without shoes in our blog post, ‘5 Struggles and Strength of Children Without Shoes: A Guide to Understanding and Supporting Them’. Uncover the extraordinary strength and resilience of these kids as we dive deep into the challenges they face and how we can support them.

Thereafter, you’ll be able to join us right here as we learn more about the power of barefoot walking.

In this blog post, we will explore the science behind barefoot walking, its potential risks and rewards, and its role in modern medicine. Discover the remarkable barefoot walking benefits for your health and well-being.

Effects of Walking Barefoot

Can you elevate your fitness journey with the therapeutic barefoot walking benefits?

According to a study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, walking barefoot can improve balance and reduce the risk of falls in older adults. The study found that barefoot training resulted in improved proprioception and lower extremity muscle strength, both of which are crucial for balance and mobility.

In addition, barefoot walking has been shown to reduce the risk of certain foot and ankle injuries. A study published in the journal Sports Health found that barefoot running resulted in a lower rate of plantar fasciitis, a common condition that causes heel pain.

What are the health benefits of going barefoot


However, it is important to note that barefoot walking also comes with risks. Going without shoes can increase the risk of cuts, scrapes, and infections, especially in areas with rough or uneven terrain. It is important to gradually increase the time and surface area of barefoot walking and to avoid hazardous areas such as hot pavement or sharp objects.

It’s important to note that there are some potential risks associated with barefoot walking, particularly on hard or uneven surfaces. Barefoot walking can increase the risk of cuts, bruises, and infections, and can be especially dangerous for people with certain foot conditions or diabetes. It’s important to consult with a podiatrist or other medical professional before starting a barefoot walking routine.


Despite these risks, many people are embracing the benefits of barefoot walking. Physical therapist and movement coach, Dr. Perry Nickelston, recommends barefoot training as a way to develop healthy muscles, joints, and feet, as well as improve balance, coordination, and stability.

To optimize your walking experience with incredible barefoot walking benefits, kick off your shoes and start experiencing the transformative power of barefoot walking today?

Role in Modern Medicine

The benefits of barefoot walking are significant and well-supported by research. By incorporating barefoot walking into your daily routine, you can improve your physical health, mental well-being, and connection to the natural world.

Barefoot walking can have many benefits for foot health and overall wellbeing, but it is important to take precautions to avoid injury. At the same time, we must not forget the importance of footwear in developing countries and work to ensure that all children have access to shoes. By embracing the benefits of barefoot walking while also addressing global footwear needs, we can create a healthier and more equitable world.

Are you ready to step into a world of barefoot walking benefits, backed by scientific research?

comparision of footprint of solder with and without burden on solder
Edward Lyman Munson, US Army Medical Corps and the US Army Shoe Board

9 Surprising Reasons Why Barefoot Walking Will Change Your Life Forever

When you embrace holistic approach to improved wellness of walking without shoes, in addition to the healing potential, you experience a plethora of barefoot walking benefits.

Barefoot walking can change your life in ways you never imagined.
Here are nine surprising reasons why:

  1. It improves balance, according to a study in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science.
  2. It strengthens your foot muscles, reducing the risk of injury, says Harvard Health Publishing.
  3. It can improve posture and alignment, per the American Podiatric Medical Association.
  4. It promotes better circulation and reduces inflammation, according to Healthline.
  5. It can boost your mood and reduce stress, says the Journal of Environmental and Public Health.
  6. It can help you sleep better, thanks to its calming effects.
  7. It burns more calories than walking in shoes, per a study in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.
  8. It can increase flexibility and range of motion, according to the University of Kansas.
  9. It’s a great way to connect with nature and find inner peace.

Health Benefits of Going Barefoot​

Barefoot walking has numerous benefits that can change your life for the better.

Improve balance, strength, and posture

Barefoot walking is a simple and effective way to improve your health and well-being. Walking without shoes forces your feet to work harder, which can lead to increased strength, better balance, and improved posture. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science found that barefoot walking improved balance in healthy young adults.

Female barefoot dancers
Tony Alter

Another surprising benefit of barefoot walking is that it can improve your posture and gait. When you walk barefoot, you are more aware of the way your body moves and the impact of your footsteps. This can lead to a more natural and efficient walking gait, which can reduce the risk of injuries and improve overall mobility.

Reduce the risk of injury and inflammation

Not only does barefoot walking strengthen your foot muscles, but it can also reduce the risk of injury. According to Harvard Health Publishing, wearing shoes all the time can weaken your foot muscles and increase the risk of injuries like ankle sprains. By walking barefoot, you can give your feet a break from shoes and improve their overall health.

Boost mood, reduce stress, and improve sleep

In addition to physical benefits, barefoot walking can also have a positive impact on your mental health. The Journal of Environmental and Public Health found that walking barefoot can boost mood and reduce stress levels. It can also help you sleep better, as the calming effects of nature can promote relaxation and restful sleep.

So, reconnect with nature and unlock barefoot walking benefits and secrets for a healthier you.


In addition, walking barefoot can have a therapeutic effect on the mind and body. A study published in the International Journal of Health Promotion and Education found that walking barefoot on natural surfaces can reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mood and overall well-being. This is because walking barefoot can increase the amount of contact you have with nature, which has been shown to have a calming and rejuvenating effect on the body.

Army female nurses walking barefoot in low water during WWI
State Archives of North Carolina
Burn more calories and increase flexibility

When you walk barefoot, you also burn more calories than you would walking in shoes. A study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found that walking barefoot resulted in higher energy expenditure compared to walking in shoes. Plus, walking barefoot can increase flexibility and range of motion, as reported by the University of Kansas.

Range of motion

Moreover, walking barefoot can also provide a unique sensory experience that can improve your mind-body connection.

A study found out women who walked at least 1.5 hours per week had significantly better cognitive function than women who walked less than 40 minutes a week.

The soles of your feet are packed with nerve endings that are designed to receive sensory information from the environment. When you walk barefoot, you are stimulating these nerve endings and increasing your awareness of your body’s position and movements.

Foot muscles

Barefoot walking has been found to have a positive impact on the muscles in the feet, legs, and core. According to a study published in the Journal of Sport and Health Science, walking barefoot can improve the strength of the muscles in the feet and lower legs, as well as improve the balance and stability of the body. This can be particularly beneficial for people who suffer from foot and leg pain, as well as those who want to improve their athletic performance.

Connect with nature and find inner peace

Most importantly, walking barefoot can be a spiritual and grounding experience. It allows you to connect with nature, feel the earth beneath your feet, and find inner peace. It’s a reminder to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life.

What barefoot walking benefits research shows

What esles does the benefits of going barefoot research reveal?

Environmental benefits

In addition to the physical and mental benefits of walking barefoot, there are also environmental benefits to consider. By walking barefoot, you’re reducing your reliance on footwear, which can be costly and have a negative impact on the environment. According to a report by the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American discards around 300 million pairs of shoes each year, which contributes to landfill waste and pollution.

Furthermore, walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass or sand can have therapeutic benefits for your feet. A study published in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association found that walking on natural surfaces can provide sensory stimulation to your feet, which can improve balance and reduce pain in people with foot problems.

Pebbles Water Streams

Studies have shown that barefoot walking on water streams with pebbles has numerous health benefits. Specifically, it can help to improve balance, reduce inflammation, and increase circulation.

The natural pebbles found on the riverbed provide a unique massage for the feet, which stimulates blood flow and increases circulation. Additionally, the pebbles act as a buffer between the foot and the ground, helping to cushion the foot from any hard surfaces. Furthermore, the pebbles provide a natural exfoliation, removing any dead skin cells from the foot.

barefoot walking benefits for people of all ages

Moreover, barefoot walking on pebbled streams can help to strengthen the muscles and tendons in the feet. This is due to the small and irregular shapes of the pebbles, which require the feet to adapt and move in ways that they otherwise would not. Consequently, this helps to improve balance and coordination, thus reducing any risk of injury.

Finally, barefoot walking on pebbles can help to reduce inflammation. This is due to the massage action, which increases the production of endorphins. These endorphins are known to reduce inflammation and provide a feeling of relaxation.

It is clear that barefoot walking on water streams with pebbles has numerous health benefits, including improved balance, reduced inflammation, and increased circulation. Therefore, it is highly recommended that anyone looking to improve their physical health partake in this activity.

For meaningful connection with the Earth, cross a stream while shoeless – your body and mind will thank you

Forefoot Walking Benefits​

What is the science of walking barefoot outside?

The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.

Thomas A. Edison

Walking without shoes has been a topic of interest for many experts in the fields of podiatry, physical therapy, and sports medicine. These benefits of barefoot walking are backed by research from reputable sources like Harvard Health Publishing, Healthline, and the American Podiatric Medical Association. By walking barefoot, you can experience a transformative shift in your physical and mental health.

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The American Podiatric Medical Association now emphatically advises that kids stay shoeless for as long as possible, recognizing that shoes can potentially weaken and distort their feet. #soleforAfricanchild #barefootwalking


Let have a brief look at what experts have found out regarding the benefits and risks of walking without shoes.

Abebe Bikila running barefoot in Olympics Marathon Rome 1960
Organizing Committee of the 17th Olympic Games

Barefoot Walking Benefits Research

Dr. Emily Splichal, a podiatrist and human movement specialist, recommends people get at least 30 minutes of barefoot stimulation every day.

Getting out of our shoes and walking on varying surfaces forces the foot muscles to contract which act like pumps bringing fresh blood to feet and lower legs

Georgia Scarr, an author, wrote in a blog post for Runner’s World on John 30, 2016:

… improving proprioception (the body’s awareness of its position in space) can boost stability, potentially reducing the risk of sprains and falls.

Physical therapist and movement coach, Dr. Perry Nickelston, wrote in a blog post on his website:

Walking barefoot on rough ground challenges the intrinsic muscles of the lower back to fully rehabilitate. You can never fully rehabilitate the lower back until you throw your feet into the arena. Rehabilitating your feet will turn on powerful self-corrective and self-regulating systems of your body.

Is walking barefoot healthy​?

It is important to note that while walking without shoes can have its benefits, it can also increase the risk of cuts, scrapes, and infections. The recommendation is to gradually increase the time and surface area of barefoot walking.

Also, avoid hazardous areas such as hot pavement or sharp objects. Additionally, those with certain foot conditions or injuries should consult with a healthcare professional before engaging in barefoot walking.

Happy children walking barefoot to school in Ilaje, Ondo state, Nigeria

Beware of Soil-transmitted Diseases

Parasitic diseases can have devastating effects on human health and can even be deadly if not treated in time. Unfortunately, one of the main causes of these diseases is something that is all too common: walking barefoot. This alarming danger needs to be taken seriously, and in blog section, we’ll examine the risks of going barefoot and how to reduce the risk of contracting a parasitic disease.

According to The World Health Organization, over 1.5 billion people worldwide are affected by soil-transmitted diseases, many of which can be prevented by wearing shoes. These diseases are particularly common in rural and impoverished areas, where people often walk barefoot, as well as in warm, humid climates.


Going barefoot can increase the risk of contracting a parasitic disease in several ways. For starters, soil-borne parasites, such as hookworms, can enter through the sole of the foot and cause severe infections. Additionally, walking barefoot can cause tiny cuts and abrasions on the feet, which can be easily infected by parasites. This is especially true in areas where the soil is contaminated with feces or other pathogens.

The consequences of parasitic diseases can be dire. For example, hookworms can cause severe anemia, while other parasites can cause neurological disorders, blindness, and even death. Additionally, parasitic diseases can have long-term effects, such as malnutrition and cognitive impairment in children.

Risk Reduction

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of contracting a parasitic disease from walking barefoot.

First, it’s important to wear appropriate footwear when walking in areas where parasites may be present. Additionally, you should avoid walking barefoot in areas that may be contaminated with feces or other pathogens. Subsequently, it’s important to practice good hygiene, such as washing your hands and feet regularly and keeping cuts and abrasions clean and covered.

The alarming danger of parasitic diseases due to walking barefoot cannot be overstated. With proper precautions, however, the risk can be greatly reduced. Wearing proper footwear and practicing good hygiene can go a long way towards protecting you from these devastating diseases.

Hence, you can tap into the ancient practice for positive foot strength impact and a galore of barefoot walking benefits.

Foot Wear in Developing Countries

Another important consideration in the debate over barefoot walking is the issue of footwear in developing countries.

Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that an estimated 1.2 billion people in developing countries are at risk of contracting parasitic diseases due to poor hygiene practices, such as a lack of access to clean water and sanitation facilities. Consequently, this leads to an increased risk of infection from walking barefoot.

Support services

Community service is an important role in the fight against parasitic diseases caused by walking barefoot. Education and awareness programs can promote the importance of wearing shoes, as well as providing resources such as clean water and sanitation facilities. Additionally, providing access to medical care and treatments can help reduce the prevalence of parasitic diseases. By working together, we can help make a difference in the fight against this global health crisis.

Functional Footwear

In addition, many schools in developing countries require students to wear shoes, which can create a barrier to education for children who cannot afford them.

Moreover, studies have shown that the cost of providing shoes for children in these countries is relatively low compared to the long-term economic and health benefits. Therefore, it is essential that governments, charities, and other organizations recognize the importance of providing shoes to those in need in order to reduce the risk of disease transmission and promote educational access.

To address this issue, many organizations are working to provide shoes to people in need around the world. We are one such nonprofit, which has distributed over thousands of pairs of shoes in over since its founding in 2017.

Is Walking Barefoot Good for You​?

There are numerous benefits to barefoot walking that can positively impact both your physical and mental health. From strengthening the muscles in your feet and legs to reducing stress and anxiety, barefoot walking is a simple and effective way to improve your overall well-being.

So why not kick off your shoes and start reaping the benefits of barefoot walking today?

Things to Know About Barefoot Walking

Walking barefoot has become a popular trend, but there are things you should know before jumping on the bandwagon.

Q: What Happens If You Walk Barefoot All the Time?

A: Walking barefoot all the time can have both positive and negative effects on your body, including improved balance and muscle strength, but also an increased risk of foot injuries.

Q: Why Does It Hurt to Walk Barefoot

A: Walking barefoot can cause pain due to lack of support, pressure on certain areas of the foot, and increased risk of injury.

Q: What are Walking Barefoot Side Effects?

A: In addition to foot pain, walking barefoot can also lead to calluses, blisters, and infections, especially on rough surfaces.

Q: What are Foot Problems from Walking Barefoot?

A: Walking barefoot can contribute to foot problems such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, and stress fractures.

Q: Which are Barefoot Walking Benefits?

A: Barefoot walking benefits can also be spiritual, such as connecting with nature and grounding oneself.


Q: Spiritual Benefits of Walking Barefoot on Grass

A: Walking barefoot on grass can provide additional benefits, including reducing stress and improving mood.

Q: Are there Barefoot Walking Benefits for Weight Loss?

A: Walking barefoot can also aid in weight loss by increasing calorie burn and improving metabolism.

Q: What are Barefoot Walking Shoes?

A: If you are not ready to go completely barefoot, there are shoes designed to mimic the experience, such as minimalist shoes.

Q & A

Q: Barefoot Walking on Grass Benefits

A: Walking barefoot on grass can provide additional benefits, such as reducing inflammation and improving balance.

Q: Are you Walking Barefoot in Your Home?

A: Walking barefoot at home can provide a comfortable and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of barefoot walking.

Q: Walking Barefoot Meaning

A: Barefoot walking can have symbolic meaning, such as shedding societal norms and embracing simplicity.

Q: Are there Dangers of Walking Barefoot?

A: It is important to be aware of the potential dangers of walking barefoot, including cuts, scrapes, and infections, and to take precautions to avoid them.



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  • Olafsdottir, G., Cloke, P., Schulz, A., van Dyck, Z., Eysteinsson, T., Thorleifsdottir, B., & Vögele, C. (2020). Health Benefits of Walking in Nature: A Randomized Controlled Study Under Conditions of Real-Life Stress. Environment and Behavior, 52(3), 248–274.
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